Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Precious Metal: Copremesis + Binary Code + Hooker Dragger @ Lit Lounge 101308

A real treat this evening with an all death metal lineup in the rancid-smelling basement of Lit Lounge, highlighted by the gore-grinding, Disgorge-worship (or self-describled 'Unoriginal Death/Grind Poop') of Corpremesis.  Binary Code and purveyors of death scum, Hooker Dragger,were also on the bill.

Hooker Dragger

NJ's Binary Code

Copremesis is a great new death-grind band out of New York and they totally bludgeoned the basement this evening...

My boy Paulo's facial expressions were hilarious throughout the set...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

GWAR + Kingdom Of Sorrow + Municipal Waste @ Fillmore 100808

GWAR played yet another sold out show and hacked, chopped and slashed their way through the A-list to such anthems as 'Sick Of You', 'Crack In The Egg', 'Rock n' Roll Never Felt So Good', 'Salaminizer', 'Slaughterama' and 'U Ain't Shit'.  I got a few strange looks on the walk home, being that I was covered in blood, pus, vomit, cum, bile and other miscellaneous gore.  This was easily one of the most fun and memorable events I've attended, which included Kingdom Of Sorrow and Municipal Waste opening (I missed them both).  GWAR must die!  

These are the 'before' shots...

The GWAR countdown...soon, you will be hiding under the corpses of your dead friends!

This is where they dismembered John McCain, but don't worry...in a truly GWAR non-partisan move, Hillary Clinton was disemboweled and Obama was decapitated later on in the show!

Beefcake the Mighty...

The place was so packed, we couldn't get any closer, and of course, the pit erupted right next to us...

These are the 'after' shots...