Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Precious Metal: Praqtiss + Phantom Glue + The Proselyte + Flaming Tusk @ Lit Lounge 040609

This was one of the loudest Precious Metal events in recent memory and a painful reminder that I really need to start wearing my earplugs to every show...two days later and my ears are still ringing.  That can't be good.  I'm not sure how to begin describing the refreshingly vile sounds of Flaming Tusk, but these guys from Astoria, Queens were heavy as fuck. Phantom Glue and The Proselyte, both from the Boston area and playing their first Precious Metal show, were wrapping up a little mini-tour and ably pummelled the basement.  I'm still up in the air on whether or not to take Praqtiss seriously...their music is good, but the lead singer dances around like a joker.  They draw quite a few people, but the verdict is still out.

Astoria's Flaming Tusk

The Proselyte

Phantom Glue

1 comment:

Zosimus said...

Thanks for coming out to the show! Flaming Tusk appreciates it.