Thursday, July 23, 2009

Andromorphus Rexalia + Nightfire + Humanity Falls + Phthisis @ The Charleston

This was the most poorly attended show I've witnessed in New York, aside from last year's Jap-Ka and Corpremesis gigs at Lit.  Beyond the usual lack of promotion (posting myspace e-flyers doesn't count), there were three other scheduled events to blame including The Faceless/Atheist tour, Tragedy, in Williamsburg, and Waking The Cadaver, in Greenpoint.  I had a ticket to Atheist, but decided to make my way to Bedford Ave for my first visit to The Charleston.  I don't think a single person paid for this was me, a couple of friends and pretty much bands watching bands at one point.  The first group, from North Carolina, were a bunch of radio-friendly rockers, and the poor guys didn't play in front of a single person.  I rushed to arrive by eight o'clock, but the real bands didn't start playing until after ten, so I wound up drinking quite a few brown-bagged beers on a very crowded sidewalk outside of the venue.  

PhthisisHumanity FallsNightfireAndromorphus RexaliaThat's me with the singer of Phthisis....

...and this one is with Eston and Ammo from Humanity Falls (sick pic, fellas).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice pics, dude!! -Nightfire